Sinopec Southern China sales company of Maoming petrochemical

Sinopec Southern China sales company of Maoming petrochemical, Guangzhou Petrochemical butadiene price steady, implementation of 13000 yuan / ton, mutual supply.

Plant in Fushun Petrochemical 140 thousand tons / year butadiene at normal operation, in addition to their own use part of the export price today, for temporary stability, the implementation of 15600 yuan / ton.


Market summary: device from manufacturers, Shanghai SECCO planned maintenance plan started in November continue to be delayed, said the latest news postponed to 2017 3-4 months, pending details. Shandong Kuwait (Wan Da) September 26th parking maintenance, is still in the parking lot.

In the Northeast export manufacturers are no foreign sales, and heard the east part of the cargo delayed, the market supply side significantly narrowed, some brokers can scarce supply, obviously reluctant to sell. Is expected in the short term will continue to narrow upward or butadiene.