We believe that PTA mainly lies in the main factory changed the strategy

We believe that PTA mainly lies in the main factory changed the strategy, in factories often take to cut production, maintain industry profits, and this year the factory most take as little as possible production, overhaul, but when there is profit from the surface of a large number of hedging, and generate the day the amount of warehouse receipts, the processing fee has been maintained at a low level.


According to statistics, the current PTA processing fee of 500 yuan / ton wandering around, and the better processing fee is market price rose laid the foundation, more to stimulate the enthusiasm of enterprises to start PTA.


Up to now, the domestic PTA operating rate to 72.3% (near to maintain effective production capacity of 46 million 5 thousand tons). But overall, the domestic PTA industry is still excess capacity, eliminate backward production capacity period. Once the PTA processing fees rise, may have to stop the old device when the PTA supply a stirring among the dry bones, increased, while the market price or restricted.
