Abstract: the balance of supply and demand situation in 2017 the domestic methanol market will be in the East China market as the center

Abstract: the balance of supply and demand situation in 2017 the domestic methanol market will be in the East China market as the center, and the main consideration of balance between the new incremental import in the East China region new mining an important source of olefin demand and supply. Under this line, we in 2017 overall anticipation is the supply and demand of methanol methanol or the existence of the time difference, after the first strong weak. See details []

Local trends

2016 is the commodity bull market annual plastics futures prices higher oscillation


Abstract: the 2016 is the commodity bull market, plastics futures prices throughout the year higher oscillation, 1705 contracts in December 12th hit a new high in recent 10000 yuan / ton near finishing oscillation. Although the 2016 production capacity of PE has entered the intensive period, but due to demand better, the overall trend of the price of plastic is not bad, constantly low elevation, high breakthrough. See details []

The alcohol market supply situation will continue to rise the price of methanol is expected to surge


Abstract: since mid December, at the end of the tense capital and long profits double negative factors weighed, methanol futures futures prices relatively high diving, the mainland market valuation pressure greatly resolve. The methanol market supply situation will continue, the price is expected to rise in methanol oscillation. See details []

The article by Gade chemical network editing, reproduced please indicate the source.
