Production agreement domestic paint solvent market weak support

In January 1, 2017, OPEC and non OPEC production agreement, will cut nearly 1 million 800 thousand barrels, resulting in international oil prices for the first time in the year soared, presumably, the international oil price movements and solvent market is proportional to the collective upward trend, according to the measured data to display the HC Chemical Network, acetic ester, ethylene glycol, methanol, styrene and other goods a rebound in the overall market downturn.


This price increase does not influence the market of raw materials, in addition to price factors, related factors, environmental protection and production and utilization device for raw materials market.


In 2016 the domestic methanol market upward trend. At the beginning of the year by the central bank RRR, monetary easing and other factors support, methanol market continued to rise, but with the supply pressure rise, the market remain weak shocks.


In 2017, methanol market continued weak to run, the afternoon of January 4th, Jiangyin, Changzhou, Zhangjiagang and Nantong decline in methanol market, Jiangyin Changzhou spot sold 3040-3060 yuan / ton from mentioning Nanjing Xiaochan negotiations in 3100-3130 yuan / ton since, Zhangjiagang spot sold 3050-3060 yuan / ton from Nantong area; small spot reference negotiations in 3100-3130 yuan since the lift / ton. Because the supply port or increased slightly and production of methanol plant continued losses, the expected short-term domestic methanol prices vulnerable to run.



By the soaring crude oil market of styrene, a time is difficult to support, still continue the downward trend. While the downstream load of ABS plant production, with the Spring Festival holidays, the downstream demand is not high mood, weak consolidation. Therefore, for styrene limited support, today styrene market decline, on behalf of the enterprise Tianjin Dagu, Guangzhou petrochemical, Maoming petrochemical, drop in between 200-300 yuan / ton, prices were 9850 and 9700 respectively, 9800 yuan / ton.