In addition to the impact of the global economic and agricultural commodity prices on the market

In addition to the impact of the global economic and agricultural commodity prices on the market, transgenic technology promotion and resistance to pests and also affect the development of pesticide market, especially the market impact of herbicides and pesticides. Since 1996 the first genetically modified (GM) crops grown commercially since the rapid development of GM seeds, the average annual growth rate of about 10%. and its development speed is obviously faster than the three kinds of pesticides (Figure 2).

In the 25 years from 1991 to 2015, the basic fungicides showed steady growth, is the fastest growing type of pesticide products. Followed by pesticides, herbicides and fast development in the last row.


Although the share of the herbicide in the global market has declined, but still occupy the first place, and the global market plays an important role. In 2009 – 2014 years, compound annual growth rate of the global market of herbicide 4.9%., ALS- (+8.4%), imidazolones ALS- other classes (+13.7%), PPO- two phenyl ether (+6.3%), PPO- (+24.9%) and other classes of HPPD inhibitors (+12.4%) and phenoxy carboxylic acid (+6.5%) compound the annual growth rate will outperform the overall market herbicide (Table 1). The growth of these products triggered a global concern.

According to Wang introduced, imidazolinone herbicide mainly due to the growth of Americas non transgenic Clearfield crops, these crops can tolerate imidazolinone herbicides. ALS- other herbicides increased mainly because of some sulfonamide herbicides Dow development, in recent years the rapid growth of these products, such as florasulam, pyroxsulam etc.. PPO- two benzene ether herbicides increase mainly due to the development and spread of resistant weeds, especially for control of glyphosate resistant weeds. Wang pointed out that HPPD inhibiting herbicides is a kind of hot products, its resistance to appear less, while there are a number of new products in the market, so that the rapid growth of products. Phenoxyacid herbicide is a kind of very old herbicide, but its nearly 5 years of rapid growth, and is expected in the next 5 years is still growing rapidly.


2 R & D costs increase, significantly reduces the number of new products listed

Although the new product market is more and more difficult, research and development costs increased year by year, but the pesticide industry has never stopped the pace of innovation. In 2001 – 2014 years, genetically modified seeds and traits of the development costs increased rapidly, while for pesticide research and development costs of rapid growth, but the growth rate is less than the former (Figure 3).