Cost reduction, weak demand, DBP prices falling continuously

Plasticizer DBP prices continue to decline


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, as of March 7th, the DBP price was 9425 yuan/ton, a continuous decrease of 2.33% compared to the DBP price of 9650 yuan/ton on February 29th. The raw material n-butanol has significantly decreased, the price of isooctanol has fluctuated and fallen, DBP costs have decreased, downstream manufacturers have not recovered well, downstream customers have average purchasing enthusiasm, plasticizer demand is weak, and DBP prices have fluctuated and fallen.


The price of n-butanol has dropped significantly


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, as of March 7th, the price of n-butanol was 7933.33 yuan/ton, a significant decrease of 6.85% compared to February 29th, when the price of n-butanol was 8516.67 yuan/ton. Entering March, the domestic n-butanol market in Shandong continued its downward trend from February as a whole. The low-end price of n-butanol is still acceptable for trading, but the overall atmosphere on the market is limited in boosting. The overall supply of n-butanol in Shandong region is loose, and many n-butanol factories are actively offering discounts for shipments. The overall transaction center of n-butanol is constantly moving downwards, and the price of n-butanol has dropped significantly; DBP cost support has decreased.


Isooctanol prices fluctuate and fall


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyishe, as of March 7th, the quotation for isooctanol was 12300 yuan/ton, a fluctuating decrease of 1.11% compared to February 29th at 12437.50 yuan/ton. The production of isooctanol has resumed, and the supply of isooctanol has increased; The shipment situation of isooctanol factories is average, with downstream low-priced transactions still acceptable, while high priced isooctanol shipments are poor. The focus of isooctanol transactions has shifted downwards, downstream demand is weak, isooctanol prices fluctuate and fall, and the cost of plasticizer DBP has decreased.


Limited downstream demand for new additions


The downstream PVC market is still operating well, and the bulk material orders are generally accepted. The global economic situation has a significant impact on the demand for PVC paste resin. With the recovery of the global economy, especially the growth of emerging markets, the demand for PVC paste resin has correspondingly increased. At present, the PVC factory has received orders until April, with limited new orders in the later period. However, overall production has improved compared to last year, and the overall performance of the bulk materials is still average. After the epidemic, the PVC paste resin market orders have been weak, the overall demand in the PVC market is average, the PVC market situation is weak, and the demand for plasticizer DBP is weak.


Future expectations


Business Society plasticizer product data analysts believe that in terms of raw materials: n-butanol has dropped significantly, isooctanol prices have fluctuated and fallen, and DBP raw material costs support has decreased; Plasticizer enterprises resume production, with sufficient supply of DBP; The downstream PVC market is weak, with weak demand for plasticizer DBP, and overall weak supply and demand for DBP. In the future, there is still downward pressure on raw materials such as n-butanol and isooctanol, and the cost support for plasticizer DBP is decreasing; The supply of plasticizer DBP manufacturers in the future is difficult to increase, and downstream PVC demand is expected to rebound. The cost of plasticizer DBP in the future will decrease, supply will decrease, and demand will increase. It is expected that the price of plasticizer DBP in the future will be weak and consolidate.