The listing price of Sinopec East China is 6050 yuan/ton, and the listing price of Sinopec North China is 6150 yuan/ton. The Shenghong Refining and Chemical Plant has temporarily shut down, and the overall operating rate of the industry has declined, with an operating rate of 80%. Upstream Sinopec East China pure benzene increased by 150 yuan/ton, and the loss of phenol and ketone further expanded. According to the analysis system of Business Society, the negotiated price reference in the East China market is 6150-6200 yuan/ton, and the negotiated price reference in the South China region is 6200-6250 yuan/ton.
The acetone offers in major mainstream markets across the country on January 14th are as follows:
Region/ Quotation/ Daily increase and decrease
East China region/ 6180./ 180
Shandong region/ 6100./ 50
Yanshan region/ 6150./ 100
South China region/ 6250./ 100 |