1、 Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Shengyi Society, the reference price of 85% industrial phosphoric acid in China was 6760 yuan/ton on March 1st, and 6760 yuan/ton on March 27th. The market price of 85% industrial phosphoric acid in China has remained stable this month.
2、 Market analysis
This month, the phosphoric acid market has fluctuated with ups and downs, mainly operating in a volatile manner. In the first half of this month, the domestic phosphoric acid market remained stable with small fluctuations, and prices in some regions fell. The phosphoric acid market mainly digests early-stage orders, with limited market transactions. In mid month, the market for phosphoric acid rose. The price of raw material yellow phosphorus has increased, leading to an increase in cost support. Phosphoric acid companies have followed suit with the price increase of raw materials. At the end of this month, the market price of phosphoric acid fell. The price of raw material yellow phosphorus has been lowered, and cost support has weakened. The phosphoric acid market is mainly cautious and cautious, with prices slightly falling.
As of March 27th, the ex factory price of 85% thermal phosphoric acid in Hubei region is around 6600-6900 yuan/ton, in Sichuan region it is around 6700-6900 yuan/ton, and in Yunnan region it is around 6600-6800 yuan/ton. The domestic market price for 85% wet process phosphoric acid is around 6600-7300 yuan/ton.
Raw material yellow phosphorus market. This month, the market price of yellow phosphorus first rose and then fell. In the first half of this month, the price of yellow phosphorus continued to rise. The supply of yellow phosphorus in the market is tight, and manufacturers have raised prices, resulting in low market inventory. At the end of this month, the price of yellow phosphorus fell. The market has a strong wait-and-see sentiment, with downstream demand for replenishment and cautious procurement. It is expected that the short-term yellow phosphorus market will remain stagnant, with consolidation and operation being the main focus.
3、 Future forecast
The phosphate analyst from Shengyi Society believes that the phosphate market has been stable with a weak trend in recent days. At present, the stable price of raw material yellow phosphorus is the main focus, and the phosphoric acid market remains cautious, with a balanced supply and demand in the market. It is expected that the domestic phosphoric acid market will remain stable and stable in the short term.
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